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9 Tip Bird Feeder for Cardinals: Attract Flocks with This Guide!

Brigitte Weber, Senior Writer


6 min read


    As the sun peeks through the dew-speckled canopy of your backyard, a flash of red catches your eye—a cardinal, resplendent in his scarlet coat, has decided to grace your garden with his presence. This moment of serenity, shared with one of nature’s most stunning creatures, is an experience that many wish to capture and sustain. Attracting cardinals to your backyard isn’t just about the joy of birdwatching; it’s about creating a sanctuary for these vibrant visitors and preserving their magnificence for future generations to enjoy. To revel in the company of cardinals regularly, a cardinal-friendly environment complete with a 9 tip bird feeder is your ticket to a bustling avian hangout.

    In this expert guide, you’ll discover the alluring tips and tweaks to transform your garden into a cardinal paradise. Let’s unfurl the red carpet for these feathered beauties and create a backdrop where they can thrive.

    Crafting the Cardinal Welcome Mat

    Location, Location, Location

    Selecting the perfect spot for your bird feeder is akin to picking the prime real estate; it’s crucial. Cardinals appreciate a little privacy and prefer feeders placed near shrubbery or trees. Not only does this provide them with a safe lookout, but it also furnishes an immediate refuge from predators. Moreover, the tranquility of a slightly secluded spot may encourage more frequent visits.
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    Strategically position a feeder about five feet off the ground to mirror their natural feeding habits and to make it more visible and accessible. Remember, feeders too close to windows can pose a hazard, so placement is key to avoid potential collisions.

    A Feast Fit for Cardinals

    These avian favorites have a hearty appetite for a variety of seeds; however, black oil sunflower seeds are the crème de la crème in their diet. Rich in oils and easy to crack, they are not just nutritious but also cardinal magnets. Try to also include:
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    • Safflower seeds
    • Crushed peanuts
    • Cracked corn

    By offering a mix of these seeds, you cater to their taste buds, enticing an eager audience to your yard. Ensuring a constant supply will keep them coming back for more.
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    Feeders That Make the Cut

    Not all bird feeders are made equal, especially when we’re tailoring them to cardinals. These birds favor platforms or hopper feeders since their larger size and tails demand more room to perch comfortably. Steer clear of feeders that swing or sway profusely; cardinals relish stability during mealtimes. Opt for models with sturdy perches or tray-like designs. A 9 tip bird feeder specifically caters to their dining preferences, offering ample space and multiple feeding points.
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    Keeping it Clean and Cozy

    Hygiene is indispensable when hosting cardinals. A pristine feeder deters diseases and parasites, keeping your feathery guests hale and hearty. Regular cleaning, coupled with a sheltered spot that shields them from harsh weather, affirms that your yard remains a cardinal sanctuary.
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    Beyond the Feeder: Cardinal-friendly Landscaping

    Plant a Cardinal Bouquet

    Beyond seed offerings, your landscape itself can be an appetizing buffet. Cardinals savor the fruits and seeds sourced directly from nature’s bounty. Planting native species that produce berries or seed pods is both ecologically sound and cardinal inviting. Consider these attractive options:
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    • Dogwood
    • Serviceberry
    • Eastern Red Cedar
    • Sumac

    A Splash of Water Works Wonders

    Like their human counterparts, cardinals can seldom resist a refreshing sip of water or a leisurely bath on a hot day. A bird bath, particularly one with moving water, is like a town square where socialites, i.e., your cardinals, gather and gab. Keep the water fresh and unfrozen in winter months, and watch as your garden turns into a cardinal water cooler.

    Architecting with Nests in Mind

    The allure of a cardinal is not just in their fleeting visits for food but also in the possibility of them becoming long-term residents. Offer them natural nesting materials such as small twigs, plant fibers, and grass clippings. Avoid plastic strips or threads that could entangle or harm them.

    Setting the Mood: Ensuring Cardinal Comfort

    Subtle Sounds and Sights

    Cardinals are sensitive to their surroundings, which include the acoustics of your garden. Gentle wind chimes or the hushed burble of a small fountain can create a serene atmosphere that cardinals cherish. However, loud noises or sudden movements can deter them, so be mindful of your yard’s soundscape.

    Privacy is Prime

    As much as cardinals are a sight to behold, they value their privacy. Tall bushes or trees work well as natural screens, giving them the discretion they seek. Additionally, avoid high-traffic areas where pets or people may startle them, robbing them of their much-needed peace.

    The Cardinals’ Year-round Abode

    Warmth and Shelter When Winter Whistles

    Cardinals don’t migrate; they’re locals all year round—if your yard proves hospitable. During winter, they require extra care. A feeder that resists snow and frost ensures a reliable food source when natural pickings are slim. Heated bird baths or water heaters are cardinal lifesavers in freezing temperatures. Nesting boxes with insulating materials like wood shavings provide them a snug retreat from the wintery blasts.

    Blossoming Buffet in the Spring

    Spring brings new life, and with it, an enriched menu. As flora flourish, so do the cardinals’ food options. Maintaining a balanced offering at your feeder while nature does its part reinforces that your home is their home too. This time is also ripe for observing cardinal families as they flourish in the safety of your offer.

    The Cardinal Code: Etiquette for Human Spectators

    Keeping a Respectful Distance

    As enchanting as it is to witness these birds up close, maintaining a respectful distance preserves the wildness and comfort of the cardinals. Excessive intrusion can lead to abandonment of nests or food sources. It’s about cohabitation rather than intrusion.

    The Art of Observation

    Birdwatching is both an art and a science. Using binoculars or installing viewing spots concealed behind curtains or blinds minimizes human impact while still allowing for intimate viewing opportunities. It’s about blending into the background and allowing the cardinals to take center stage.

    Troubleshooting: When Cardinals Play Hard to Get

    Patience is a Virtue

    Attracting cardinals requires patience. They need time to discover and explore new feeders and habitats. Avoid the temptation to constantly alter your setup; consistency is comforting for these creatures of habit.

    Predators and Pests: The Unwelcome Guests

    Securing your feeder from squirrels and other seed thieves ensures that the intended recipients, the cardinals, get their fair share. Additionally, keeping a keen eye on potential predators such as cats and ensuring they do not have easy access to the bird feeder area is paramount.

    When Silence Speaks Volumes

    There may be periods when cardinals are less visible, perhaps due to seasonal changes or breeding times. It’s crucial to continue providing for them; their return is often silent and swift, a reward for the persistent and dedicated bird enthusiast.

    In conclusion, transforming your garden into a cardinal convocation requires a symbiotic blend of environment, sustenance, and respect. With these expert tips, ranging from the selection of a 9 tip bird feeder to the nurturing of cardinal-friendly flora and fauna, your backyard is set to become a paradise of plumage and melody. Embrace these guidelines, and you’ll find that the beauty of a cardinal isn’t just in its brilliant plumage but also in its power to bring nature’s tranquility into our bustling lives.

    Brigitte Weber, Senior Writer
    Brigitte Weber

    About the Author - Brigitte Weber Mission Statement Brigitte Weber is a Senior Writer with a mission to captivate readers