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10 Best Owl Breeds for Pets: Discover Feathered Friends to Adore

Brigitte Weber, Senior Writer


6 min read


    Owls have captivated the human imagination for centuries with their mysterious allure and silent wings. These nighttime hunters are not only symbols of wisdom but also intriguing pets for bird enthusiasts. Although typically seen in the wild, certain breeds of owls have become beloved companions in the homes of those willing to meet their unique needs. In this article, we will explore the top ten owl breeds that you can welcome into your life as delightful feathered friends. From their temperament to care requirements, get ready to uncover the wonders of these majestic creatures.

    The Allure of Owls as Pets

    Owls possess an inexplicable charm that makes them highly sought-after pets for avian aficionados. Their fascinating behaviors, stunning plumage, and the profound bond they can form with their owners contribute to their desirability. Before delving into the specific breeds that are suitable to be a part of your family, it’s essential to understand what exactly sets owls apart from other pet birds and what responsibilities come with owning one.

    Understanding Owl Behavior and Needs

    Owning an owl is not an endeavor to take lightly. These birds are nocturnal predators, meaning they are active at night and have special dietary and environmental needs. They require a diet of whole prey, spacious aviaries, and, due to their sharp talons and beaks, they can be a challenge to handle. It’s crucial for potential owl owners to comprehend the natural behaviors and needs of these birds to ensure a healthy and happy life for their pet owls.
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    Meeting the Majestic Barn Owl

    A Glimpse into Barn Owl Charms

    The Barn Owl, with its heart-shaped face and ghostly appearance, is among the most beloved owl breeds. This breed’s quiet flight and eerie calls add to its enchanting presence, making it a prized pet for those who resonate with its mystical nature.

    Caring for Your Barn Owl

    Barn Owls require a specialized diet of mice and other small mammals. It’s important to simulate their natural hunting experiences to keep them stimulated. Additionally, they need a quiet and calm environment, as they can be sensitive to stress.

    Unveiling the Charismatic Great Horned Owl

    The Predator of the Skies

    Known as the ‘tiger of the skies,’ the Great Horned Owl is a formidable predator with distinct tufts of feathers resembling horns. Their large size and powerful grip make them one of the mightiest breeds, respected by both wildlife enthusiasts and seasoned bird keepers.

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    Necessary Precautions for Care

    The Great Horned Owl’s powerful nature requires an owner who understands the implications of keeping such a bird. Sturdy gloves and training in raptor handling are prerequisites. Their diet is diverse, including rabbits and larger prey items.

    The Endearing Eastern Screech Owl

    Small but Mighty

    Don’t let the size of the Eastern Screech Owl fool you. These petite owls have a robust personality and adapt well to living in captivity if they have enough enrichment.
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    The Joy of Screech Owl Kinship

    Eastern Screech Owls need less space than their larger counterparts, but they still demand plenty of attention and respect. They enjoy a varied diet of insects, small rodents, and birds, which provides them with the necessary nutrition and mental stimulation.

    The Snowy Owl: Arctic Elegance

    Bringers of Winter’s Whisper

    Snowy Owls, with their immaculate white feathers tinged with black markings, are the embodiment of Arctic beauty. These owls are not only stunning but are also symbols of strength and endurance.

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    Ensuring a Cool Companion’s Comfort

    Being from cold regions, Snowy Owls can struggle with higher temperatures. They require a cool environment to thrive and a diet rich in lemmings and other tundra-dwelling prey. It’s essential to have a spacious, ventilated habitat that mimics their natural habitat.

    The Friendly Western Screech Owl

    A Melodious Nighttime Presence

    Western Screech Owls are smaller owls known for their array of vocalizations. They make excellent pets for those looking for a more manageable-sized owl with a sweet disposition.

    Diet and Environment Essentials

    Similar to their Eastern counterparts, Western Screech Owls are opportunistic feeders, making their dietary requirements fairly easy to manage. A safe, enclosure-friendly environment is vital for their well-being.

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    The Fascinating Spectacled Owl

    Behold Their Distinctive Beauty

    The Spectacled Owl, named for the white-feathered spectacles around its eyes, is remarkable in appearance. Their dark plumage and contrasting facial markings are eye-catching and give them a unique look.

    Special Needs for a Spectacled Friend

    These owls are more tropical, requiring a habitat that can maintain a warmer climate. Their diet predominantly consists of insects and small rodents, making it similarly crucial to provide them with a variety to mimic their natural hunting instincts. best owl breeds for pets

    The Wise-Looking Eurasian Eagle-Owl

    Stature and Grandeur Combined

    One of the largest owl species, the Eurasian Eagle-Owl, impresses with its size, bright orange eyes, and regal presence. They are the epitome of what most envision when thinking of a ‘wise old owl.’

    The Grandeurs of Husbandry

    Owning a Eurasian Eagle-Owl means providing ample space for exercise and a diet that can include larger prey items, such as ducks or rabbits. This breed requires patience and respect from its owners—qualities that are rewarded with loyalty and affection.

    The Versatile Burrowing Owl

    Ground-Dwellers with Personality

    Unlike most of their tree-roosting relatives, Burrowing Owls live on the ground, often inhabiting prairie dog or gopher tunnels. They’re full of character and make for lively pets.

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    The Care of these Earthly Avians

    Ideal for those with more land, Burrowing Owls need an environment that allows for their unique nesting habits. They aren’t just predators of the sky but also enjoy hunting on the ground, so a more land-based diet is appreciated.

    The Mysterious Long-Eared Owl

    Enigmatic Rovers of the Night

    With elongated ear tufts and deep orange eyes, the Long-Eared Owl has an enigmatic aura about it. These owls prefer a quiet lifestyle and are perfect for those who appreciate a more reclusive pet.

    Home for a Nocturnal Wanderer

    Quiet, secluded aviaries are ideal for Long-Eared Owls, along with the assurance of a diverse diet. They enjoy the thrill of the hunt, so providing opportunities to simulate that experience is essential for their welfare.

    The Charm of the Northern Saw-Whet Owl

    The Miniature Package of Cuteness

    Rounding out our list is the Northern Saw-Whet Owl, a small breed with an adorable appearance and surprising resilience. They are perfect for those desiring a pint-sized pet with a big personality.

    Nurturing Your Tiny Owl

    Their small stature requires less space, but their predatory instincts remain sharp. A diet of small prey items and a secure, comfortable environment are key to keeping a Saw-Whet owl content and healthy.

    Taking on the responsibility of an owl as a pet is not a decision to be made lightly. They require specialized care, a suitable environment, and a commitment to their well-being. Whether you are drawn to the silent flight of the Barn Owl, the regal Eurasian Eagle-Owl, or the charming Northern Saw-Whet Owl, it’s important to conduct thorough research and ensure you’re prepared for the commitment. These feathered friends offer a unique companionship that, if nurtured with patience and understanding, will be both rewarding and unforgettable.

    Brigitte Weber, Senior Writer
    Brigitte Weber

    About the Author - Brigitte Weber Mission Statement Brigitte Weber is a Senior Writer with a mission to captivate readers